Egypt, Russia agree on bank guarantees and credit packages for Dabaa nuclear power plant

Egypt and Russia have agreed on a number of items included in the Dabaa nuclear power plant contract, including the items on credit packages and bank guarantees. Government sources told Daily News Egypt that technical negotiations have been concluded, leaving only the distribution of commitment and minor commercial and financial details to negotiated. After reaching[…]

Automotive industry strategy postponed indefinitely

After its meeting on Monday with representatives of the automotive feeding industries companies, the parliament approved postponing the automotive industry strategy indefinitely. A senior parliamentary source at the parliament’s Industry Committee said that postponing the negotiations related to the strategy is pending more hearings and discussions with automotive companies and feeding industries. He added that[…]

Egypt: A Chance for Change

Egypt’s economy faces both urgent and long-standing structural challenges. The $12 billion IMF loan to Egypt will support the authorities’ comprehensive reform plan. The program aims to stabilize the economy, promote growth and jobs, strengthen social safety nets.    International Monetary Fund

“الأهلى”: 9 مليارات جنيه حصيلة الاكتتاب فى الشهادات الادخارية يوم الأحد

بلغت حصيلة البنك الأهلى المصرى 9 مليارات جنيه من الاكتتاب فى الشهادات الادخارية، التى رفع الفائدة عليها بنهاية يوم أمس الأحد. قال يحيى أبوالفتوح، نائب رئيس البنك، إن البنك جذب نحو 8 مليارات جنيه خلال يوم واحد، وذلك نتيجة ارتفاع العائد على الشهادات الادخارية والذى وصل إلى 20%. أضاف لـ«البورصة»: أن البنك قام بفتح اعتمادات[…]

EGX continues heading north in 3rd session after pound flotation, recording highest rates since 2010

The Egyptian Exchange (EGX) closed on Monday on high rises in the third session following the flotation of the Egyptian pound. The main index EGX30 closed with a hike of 5.38%—the highest rise since February 2010—registering 9,852.7 points. The market saw trading valued at EGP 2.1bn, which is the highest since April 2010, with 688.9m[…]

New Investment Law: investors have doubts, experts want more for attracting foreign investments

For a long time now, since the 25 January Revolution in 2011, the successive governments have come to office knowing that Egypt needs to implement reforms in order to attract new foreign investments to create job opportunities and increase its gross domestic product (GDP). When President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi came to office in 2014, he[…]

تشتت البيانات وعدم ربط شبكة التوزيع أبرز معوقات التمويل متناهي الصغر

  الشركات تطالب بتلقى الودائع وزيادة الأدوات لتقليل تكلفة التمويل وضمان بقاء الصناعة سامى: الرقابة المالية تستهدف تطوير الصناعة على مراحل وهناك فرصة لمضاعفة حجمها الحوشى: البنية التحتية غير منظمة ويجب ربط بعضها البعض موسى: تجاربنا مع التاكسى الأبيض ناجحة رغم مخاطر الثورة خليفة: 20% من البالغين يمثلون فجوة الشمول المالى 4.3 مليار جنيه حجم[…]