Making of Economic Decision


On 28th of November, during the controversy surrounding Egypt’s new constitution, ECRA in collaboration with CIPE, Al Youm7, U.E.D.A, Arabeya Online, Al Nahar tv channel and Ekne3ny Shokran had organized the “Making of Economic Decision” conference in Grand Nile hotel. The event was attended by 150 participants including bankers, economists, activists, lawyers, journalists and NGOs.

Through 4 successful sessions, participants discussed the following topics:

  • Is it possible to rationalize the economic decision-making process in Egypt?
  • How to make a decision regarding the economic democratization process and the role of stakeholders in the decision-making process – the Egyptian experience
  • How to make a decision regarding the economic democratization process – international experiences
  • What are the best models for economic decision-making in the world? What are the most difficult challenges faced by the countries passed through similar revolutionary experiences?
  • The constitutional framework of the Egyptian economy in the scope of the current draft constitutio